Welcome to the Muffin is with Me...

I am a Lucario. Yeah, it's true. I'm the one from The Muffin is With Me (My awesome autobiography). I'm hoping that my friends, the Espeon, Leafeon and Mightyena who also starred in those books find their way here. For newcomers, I recommend you visit  www.wobburockz.synthasite.com. Please also visit www. mangafangirlz.synthasite.com

As you can tell, this website mainly revolves around Pokemon, but I add in alot about   Musk Ox (an evil five year old). If you don't like any of those things, get off my site NOW!!! Or else you will suffer of BOREDOM!Boooooooordom...

I will update this site every day, and if I don't, then that's a sure-tell sign that a trainer has caught me. But I'm pretty good at evading Pokeballs, so I doubt that'll ever happen!


Q: Why is your website called "The Muffin is With Me?"

A: Ah... not quite long ago I created a book series about Pokemon called The Muffin is With Me. This website originally revolved around said series. I chose to name it The Muffin is With Me since Lucario's (my character in the books) "catchphrase" is 'the aura is with me', and a special part about the books was that I'd put at least one muffin in each. I've recently decided to stop working on The Muffin is With Me so I could delve deeper into Sakimi, my other series. And that, of course, has its own website as well, you can get to it by scrolling down. I still use this site for news, etc.

Q: The Muffin Lucario?

A: Yep, that's me. Or at least one of my nicknames. As I mentioned before, I was a Lucario in The Muffin is With Me, and because of the series' name, I decided to be called The Muffin Lucario. I'm also known as Pantherstar, Ahnyo, Roberta, and simply Kim, depending on where I am. So there ya' have it.

Q: Who exactly are "Bob The", "Kim Dedede" and "Musk Ox"? I hear a lot about them.

A: Well, Bob The is apparently my evil twin from Mars (according to Google). For some reason, back in the beginning of this website, some of the blog posts would say "Posted by Bob The" rather than "Posted by The Muffin Lucario" (Or Kim Dedede/Arceus depending on when it was). He's quite a nuisance; now he has his own website too. Kim Dedede, unfortunately, was me back while I was writing the second The Muffin is With Me book. In the part I was working on, baby Manaphy Heart Swapped me with King Dedede (hopefully you know who he is!), and I said that my name would be "Kim Dedede" until I had finished that part. Well, things turned for the worse, and I LOST the book! So, for a few weeks, I was Kim Dedede, but I commonly referred to myself by other Dedede-related names. Last but (maybe) not least, Musk Ox is a magical... thing (nobody knows what she is) who is 6 years old and weirder than Micheal Jackson. Well... not the same type of weird as him, but... you know what I'm saying, aye? 

Q: Are these questions actually frequently asked?

A: That's a silly question! Oh wait... I made it up...

The Muffin is With Me News

I'm glad I finally got my book back. Now I don't have to look at that ugly penguin anymore... except for the picture the king himself dropped of below. Guess this was meant for Escargoon?

You know what I hate? I hate when you write a VERY long post, but then it never shows up. You can't paste it on another post, nor can you paste it here. That really sucks. I'm going to start a collection of failed posts, and rewrite them when I have nothing better to do...

Try typing in my name on Google. I have two pages of stuff! Only one of the things isn't mine (The History of The Muffin thing).... Wow, even the time I decided to flame Digimon and Mortal Combat Wiki is up there! Good times... If you click on images, you'll see alot of Kirby pictures, especially Biospark and Parosol Kirby. Why? Don't ask me.

Lately, my computer's been having some problems with the blogs and Wikis. 1. When I hit the "Ok" button when I write a post, nothing happens. 2. Wiki got a makeover, and part of the toolbar (the one that lets you insert text) doesn't show up. Thus, I will most likely not be able to work on those sections for a while. For the time being, I'll be writing here and on the chatrooms. Sorry about the inconvinience.

No, my April Fool's joke hasn't become true. I've written MANY articles, about Pokemon TCG... a very scary bit of info about the Kirby anime's salesman... about what Michelle said on her website... a rewritten post about the movie Coraline.... Pokemon Platinum info.... even the reason wht I brought Sakimi back and started TMIWM! None of it has appeared. I try every day to post, yet nothing at all works. I'm very sorry.

New: Dates!!!

3/20/09: It looks like TMIWM has returned to normal. I have to owe my thanks to the chupacabras. Why? No, I'm not ranting like I was yesterday.     That was what I posted about when it started working! Go, chupacabras! Us imaginary animals rock. Also, if you haven't already seen it, I uploaded I uploaded a picture of the NME Customer Service guy, but it shows his whole body! Please do not blame me for the nightmares caused by this image. I wonder how many Pokemon and people scroll down here to read this stuff. I hope you like the colors!

4/2/09: My computer has been acting up yesterday and early today. That explains my lack of posts. At first, I was pretty scared; the one explanation that I could think up was that my computer had been infected by the conficker. But it turned out that my anti-virus software was the cause of the problem. That's sort of odd. Well, now that I no longer have it, I'll continue posting!

4/9/09: Uh-oh, looks like I have some more problems. I was about to thank Yola for posting everything I've written, untill I made a very long Rotom post (which took me an hour since my computer freezes up every other minute), and it never showed up. I am extremely mad; I'm ripping apart a stuffed toy with Metal Claw right now. Looks like this'll be our main form of communication for now, and as for my important Rotom announcement, I've posted a link to it in my Advertisements section. I hope  you like the Easter-ish colors I've been using.

4/10/09: Since my blogs are acting up again, I'm going to make a post here. About Carmell Dansen. I really don't want to start a fight, but here's my opinion. You all know that I cannot stand the music, and the annoying voices, whether it's in Japanese or English. I'm not going to die from the awesomeness of the song, but instead from the awfulness of it. Seriously, if I hear that song one more time, I'll rip my ears off. It definetly doesn't mean I hate the Japanese culture, as Sam brought up. Just because I'm not obsessed with manga and most animes, doesn't mean I dislike the country. I obviously like some Japanese things (heck, I am an animal that originated in Japan!). The Carmell Dansen dance, however, does not bother me; I would dance along if there was better music. You know what? I thought of a song I hate more than Carmell Dansen. It actually sounds beautiful compared to it. I'll be the prince, and you'll be the princess, it's a love story, baby just say yes. Great Arceus!!!

4/23/09: Hello, everyone! I'm finally back from my trip, and I've brought several good stories to tell. I wrote plenty more in The Icy Song. Actually, Camille is currently inside Sam's stomach in the book. You're probably wondering how that happened... Well, I'll return to daily posting. But we're going to have to wave good-bye to the Story page. It hasn't been worked on for ages. Also, I'll be switching to summer-ish colors, cause I want that season to come sooooooooooooo much. Bright orange is a good way to start, eh?

5/9/09:As you can see, there really hasn't been so much to talk about. Nothing interesting ever happens anymore. But, I'll try to return to updating.

5/15/09: She wore an itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini... Great Arceus. What have I done to that Lucario???

8/25/09: Hmm... my blogs seem to be acting up again. I wrote a very long post about a certain cat from the Warriors Forums, and... it never came up. After that, when I tried to post something else, the new post box wouldn't even come up. We'll see how long this lasts...

8/29/09: Hey! Looks like everything's back to normal! I updated the front picture, and now, all the news articles will be in... autumn colors. Wahh...

9/11/09: As we all know, today is 9/11. It's awful to think of all the lives that were lost during that horrible day eight years ago. 

10/10/09: I've updated the front picture for Halloween, the very best holiday of them all! I've also added in a not-so-FAQ for all to read! In other news, I've changed the colors for the winter articles above! 

12/4/09: Yay! As we all know, Christmas is right around the corner, and the TMIWM mascot is showing her (we're assuming it's a she after the Valentines Day '09 picture...) holiday spirit! I'm also going to return to almost daily updating, so there's more to be merry about.! I'm also going to set up a countdown for Christmas! Woo hoo! I hope you enjoy the seasonal colors I'm using :D


Warriors Stuff 

I am Pantherstar, leader of WindClan. Despite my leadership, I am a half Clan, my father being of RiverClan. While there have been several disputes over which Clan I belong in, I have finally decided to leave my loyalties in WindClan. I was chosen as leader because of my intelligence and ferocious battle skills. 


                                   Pick up your Warriors avatar here!





Countdowns & Counters 

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Meet my little Dragio. He's keeping track of how many people have visited this site. But he's sad because no one seems to notice his existence... 

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