Happy Late 6th Birthday, Musk Ox!

Musk Ox turned 6 on the 8th of November, and due to my lack of posting, I never updated the site in time. So, happy belated birthday!

Super Mario Sunshine

September 26, 2009
Ah... Musk Ox made me help her with this game called Super Mario Sunshine. You play as Mario with the help of FLUDD (a water squirter) and you must get rid of all the graffiti in the sunny Delfino Isle...

So, in the part she was on, she had to defeat a giant boss known as Petey Piranha. The method to defeat him was quite... strange. With FLUDD, Mario had to feed him water and make his stomach expand until he got too large and fell over. Then, Mario would have to stomp on him. I did manage to d...
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*Triumphant Music*

September 7, 2009
MUSK OX NO LONGER LIKES DORA!!! Or most preschool shows for that matter. It's a dream come true! LET'S HEAR IT FOR MUSK OX!!!

*Cricket sounds*

Oh well.

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August 29, 2009
Musk Ox wants her warrior name to be Yellowpool o_O It's true! Ask her!

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A Tiny Helping Hand

August 11, 2009
Thank you for helping me earn Neopoints for my Darigan Paint Brush, Musk Ox. I truly appreciate it.

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Blame it on Musk Ox!

July 5, 2009
Today, Musk Ox thought it'd be funny to jump one me. So she did, and almost bruised my chest while doing so. To relieve the pain, I took a hot bath, but when I got out, I slipped and hit my head on a shelf. And it really hurts. Ouuuuuuuch... 
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Clean it Up!

June 29, 2009
This is pretty scary.

Ok, so I was on my computer, working on my Sakimi website. I was supposed to be cleaning my room though. You see, Musk Ox has a radio that plays Laurie Berkner songs. At about midnight, the radio turned on, playing a song called "Clean it Up". It freaked me out big time. I mean, how the heck did that happen? I think I'm being haunted...
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Musk Ox's Dino Potion

June 4, 2009
Yesterday I whipped up a "potion" (which was made of lemon juice, soy sauce, pickle juice, green food coloring, canola oil and various spices) to pull a prank on Musk Ox. I told her that if she drank it, her wish would come true. So she took a sip, and found it disgusting, obviously. I then told her that if she rubbed the whole bottle of junk on her skin, her wish would be granted. Musk Ox listened. You see, her wish was to turn into a dinosaur. When she saw that the green food dye was turnin...
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Dragon Tales

April 24, 2009
Hee hee hee... Musk Ox likes that show Dragon Tales now. I don't know why, though. I remember when I watched it... *sigh* those were good times. But, now that Musk Ox has refreshed my memory of the friendly dragons, I realized that one of them was a he-she! That two headed one... what the heck is its name? MUSK OX?!? Oh yes, Zak and Weasel, I mean Wheezie. That's kind of scary. Well, I told Musk Ox about how I remembered an episode in which the he-she dragon was seperated. When she couldn't f...
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April 4, 2009
Yet another bit of information on the Musk Ox + Max Flexer story. She got a new Neopet on the website, and named it "max_flexer". It's a Green Lupe, I believe. Even scarier is that it's a female. Check here daily for more about this odd situation...

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A Wild Lucario Appears!!!

The Muffin Lucario Besides Bob The, I also run into Musk Ox alot. She's so weird, I decided to make a blog dedicated to her. Every day she says something crazy. At least she can't hack into my website like Bob The can!


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