Welcome to the o_O page, a page where you'll find a bunch of random stuff that won't work well as a blog post.


Welcome to the Quotes page! All of these quotes are true; some of them my have been slightly altered due to my bad memory. NOTE: The quotes from this page are not all supposed to be funny; they're mainly here to show the stupidity of some people. So, if you were expecting humor on everyone of them, well... I don't know.

Quote 1: In Charge

 The Muffin Lucario: Just because you're a teacher's daughter doesn't mean you're in charge!

Petey: You know I could hear that?

The Muffin Lucario: Yeah, that's kind of the point.

Quote 2: The Tree

Cap'n Crunch: You know that black bear in the tree? They shot it with a tranquilizer, and it fell out of the tree and died.

Strawberry Shortcake: What was wrong with the tree?

Quote 3: It Doesn't Matter

Petey: It doesn't matter where you sit! Let Alyx sit there!

Quote 4: America

Tailz throws out a piece of paper.

Strawberry Shortcake: You're destroying our country by doing that! All our polar bears and penguins are going to die!

Quote 5: Religion

Little Bunny starts discussing religion.

The Muffin Lucario: God doesn't exist.

Little Bunny: Yes he does!

The Muffin Lucario: Sure, you may think that. I'm an atheist.

Little Bunny: What's that?

The Muffin Lucario: It's someone who doesn't have a religion; someone who doesn't believe in anything.

Little Bunny: So you don't believe in me?

Quote 6: Am I Stupid?

Cari Moo: I need to know your locker combination.

The Muffin Lucario: Why?

Cari Moo: I have to deliver a message to you.

The Muffin Lucario: Then why not give it to me now?

Cari Moo: It'll make you cry.

The Muffin Lucario: Then what's the sense of giving it to me?

Quote 7: Who You Lookin' At???

The Muffin Lucario is staring out the window.

Cari Moo (who is drawing/writing something): Trying to see something?

The Muffin Lucario: Huh?

Cari Moo: You're looking at my paper. Are you trying to see something?

The Muffin Lucario (to self): Yeah, the scenery.

Quote 8: Fart

Michelleums: I farted.

Karrot: Then go get a potato chip and be happy for what you have!

Quote 9: Ran Over

Cari Moo: So, Kim, how many times have you killed me in your stories?

The Muffin Lucario (partially lying): Zero.

Cari Moo (to self): There she goes ignoring me again...

The Muffin Lucario: I answered.

Cari Moo: I bet you were the one who ran over my cat.

The Muffin Lucario: ...

Cari Moo: You killed my cat!

The Muffin Lucario: Hey Camille, I don't have a car. I can't drive.


Art Gallery

This image is of my RP character, Void the Darkrai. It was done on paper, and was later scanned onto the computer and colored in on Paint. 

This is a picture of an Arceus I drew about a year ago, completely on paper. 

Here is a Charizard I drew last year on paper; I later scanned it onto my computer and colored it with Paint. 

This is a Mesprit I drew on Paint a few days ago. 

 This is a picture of my Darigan Kiko, Candyllea, that I made on Paint a few months ago.

An image of Team Plague, characters in a story I am working on. 

A random Deoxys that I drew on paper. 

Do I really need to explain? It's just a flipping random Latias. 

A drawing of my temporary RP character, a Ditto known by the name of Trans. 

A picture of the Ampharos from one of my stories. 

She does. 


The backstory of my RP character:

Void’s Past 

Part 1


“No! I can’t let them hurt my baby!” the winter winds hushed the screams of the mother Darkrai. Her ghostly arms were tightly wrapped around a small egg. Panting, she soared through the icy forest, occasionally turning around to check how close They were to her.

            The mother Darkrai stumbled, and collapsed onto her side. Crying, she struggled to get up. They had arrived. The Darkrai, not knowing what to do, shoved her egg away. They raced up to her.

            They were a twosome. One was a Treecko; dark cleverness glowed in his orange eyes. The second was a Totodile; a menacing grin covered her face. Both of them wore pitch black bands around their necks.

            The Totodile stamped up to the mother Darkrai, “We’ve got you at last, Darkrai.”

            “N-no! Please, you don’t understand!” the Darkrai howled.

            “Your pitiful excuses won’t change our opinion on you,” the Treecko growled aggressively.

            “I had to protect… I had to protect my child!” she wailed, glancing at her egg, which had rolled a distance from her head.

            “A Darkrai child? Great, as if the world needs another one of those beasts. We’ll have to kill both of them, isn’t that right, Treecko?” the Totodile turned to her partner. The Treecko nodded fiercely.

            “Where’s the kid, Darkrai?” the Treecko snarled, glaring at the mother. They hadn’t noticed her egg! The Darkrai did not respond.

            “Spit it out, fool. It’s not like it matters. We’re going to kill you anyways,” spat the Totodile.

            “That’s right!” the Treecko exclaimed. The Darkrai shook her head.

            “I’ll never tell you!” she yelled.

            “Fine then. We’ll find it on our own. We are a Master Rank exploration team!” the Treecko boasted, “Let’s do this, Totodile!”

            The two Pokémon stepped backwards. They both took a deep breath, and then lashed out with their strongest moves; Hydro Pump and Giga Drain. As if that wasn’t enough, they leaped onto the Darkrai and tore at her with Slash and Leaf Blade. Then, the twosome quickly jumped off to see the result.

            Blood flowed rapidly from many areas on the mother Darkrai’s body. Her breathing shallow, she looked up at the egg, and gasped, “My child… you must be strong. Always make the right decisions in life. And remember… remember that… I’ll always love you.” She closed her icy blue eyes solemnly. They were to never open again.

            “That was too easy,” the Treecko let out a long laugh, and the Totodile joined in.

            “Now, where could that Darkrai’s child be?” the Totodile glanced around.

            “Beats me. She probably hid it somewhere. Let’s go.” The Treecko motioned to his partner before dashing off into the darkness. The Totodile hurried after him, dragging the body of the Darkrai behind her.


Part 2


            “Oh my, you poor little thing! Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of you!” in the bright daylight, a jolly Chansey had discovered the lonely Darkrai’s egg. She picked it up, ever so gently, and merrily skipped to her den.

            “There we go, sweetie. Nice and warm!” the Chansey buried the egg halfway under dried leaves, “I wonder what you’ll become!”

            Weeks passed, and the egg had shown no signs of being ready to hatch. “Huh,” murmured the Chansey, “I… I must’ve brought the egg in too late…” She was about to pick up the egg when-




“Oh my! It’s hatching… at last!” the Chansey began dancing around the room joyfully. A tiny black hand reached out of the egg.

            “What is that Pokémon?” the Chansey gasped, “I’ve never seen anything as dark as that in my life!”

            The top of the eggshell cracked off. A strange, smoky white plume flowed from the opening. The Pokémon inside rose from the egg. “What in Arceus’s name…?” the Chansey stared at the creature.

            It had a small, black head, and blue eyes more intense than ice. A large red growth covered its neck. The creature’s little body looked as if it was tattered.

            “My goodness, I’ve never seen such a thing before!” the Chansey shouted. The newly hatched Pokémon said nothing; it did not cry, it did not babble. It only stared at her with its cold, blue eyes.

            “I’m sure somebody knows what you are,” the Chansey said sweetly. Extending her arms, she grabbed the baby Pokémon and cradled it. Its icy gaze never left the Chansey. 


“Ampharos!” the Chansey had arrived at her friend’s den, the baby Pokémon still in her arms. The slender yellow Pokémon emerged, a juicy Oran Berry in his mouth.

“Yes?” he grunted, muffled by the food. The Ampharos’s eyes widened and the berry fell out of his mouth.

“W-what is the matter?” the Chansey shouted.

“Darkrai!” the Ampharos cried, his heart pounding.

“What?” the Chansey was confused.

The Ampharos made an attempt to calm himself, “In your arms. In your arms is a young Darkrai. How could you avoid seeing that?”

“Is that what you are?” the Chansey examined the baby Pokémon.

“Chansey! What are you doing?” the Ampharos yelled, “Everyone knows Darkrai are dangerous! They are Pokémon of evil! Don’t tell me you are caring for it!”

“… Really?” the Chansey took a long look at the Darkrai, “I had no clue. I found its egg in the forest, and I brought it in.”

The Ampharos nodded, “You must dispose of it immediately, especially since it is a female. Team Plague took down a mother Darkrai last month, and-“ he paused.

“Huh?” the Chansey mumbled.

“That child! It must be that Darkrai’s!” the Ampharos shouted, “Team Plague are still searching for it!”

“I’ve no clue what you are talking about,” the Chansey shrugged.

“Team Plague, you know, that Master Rank team consisting of Treecko and Totodile? Well, one month ago, they killed a female Darkrai. They had to; she was living in the forest, and she attacked anyone who came in. She also, apparently, caused everyone in the area to have horrifying nightmares each night. If Team Plague had only apprehended the Darkrai, everyone would continue to have nightmares, and Arceus knows what she’d do to Officer Magnezone and his crew. Honestly; she’s a Darkrai!”

“Hmm,” the Chansey grunted.

“Yes. The Darkrai claimed she was only protecting her baby. As if anyone would believe a Pokémon as foul as her. Even if that was the case, we all know that there is not a single good Darkrai in the world. They are all merciless and evil for some reason. Anyway, Team Plague brought down the mother, but they were unsuccessful in killing the child; finding it for that matter. They’re currently on a search for it, and you found it.”

“Gee, I had no clue,” the Chansey admitted.

“We shall slay it at once, and then report to Officer Magnezone!” the Ampharos ordered, “Hand me the child.”

A sad look on her face, the Chansey gave the young Darkrai to her friend.

“Look at this thing. She has such a wicked expression on her face, and she just hatched!” the Ampharos commented.

“Well, I’d be mad if I knew someone was going to slaughter me, too,” the Chansey said glumly.

“Chansey, she’s a baby. She doesn’t understand anything we say,” the Ampharos retorted, “What do you think would be the most efficient way of killing this thing?”

“Ampharos, I know how you said all Darkrai are evil. But she’s so little. Why can’t we give her a chance? I bet if we raised her in a happy environment, she’d grow up to be a fine Pokémon!”

“Are you out of your mind?” the Ampharos screamed, “Nothing can stop a Darkrai from being bad. Nothing!” 

“Are you sure?”

“I am certain.” The Ampharos trudged back into his den. He returned with a worn, white blanket.

“What are you going to do with that?” the Chansey asked. He did not reply. Narrowing his eyebrows, he slammed the little Darkrai onto the floor. The Pitch Black Pokémon did nothing but glare at him, her icy eyes filled with hate. The Ampharos wrapped her up in the blanket, and stormed away. The Chansey waited a moment before following her friend.

They arrived at a fiercely flowing river. Without saying a word, the Ampharos plunged the bundle into the water. Grimacing, he pushed it far underneath the powerful waves. All of the sudden, he lost his footing and tumbled into the water.

“Ampharos!” the Chansey squealed at the top of her lungs. She watched in terror as the frigid navy waves swept over her companion. The Ampharos then vanished under the dark water, never to be seen again.

The bundled Darkrai floated back to the surface. Sensing danger, the Pitch Black Pokémon struggled to escape from the blanket. When she finally broke out, she managed to leap into the air and float away.

“Ampharos…” the Chansey repeated in a grim tone, “that Darkrai! She took Ampharos’s life! I must report this at once!”

Determined, the Chansey prowled to Officer Magnezone’s station. Upon her arrival, she spotted a muscular Treecko and a sly looking Totodile. I wonder if that’s Team Plague…? The Chansey thought.

“BZZT! HOW MAY I HELP YOU, M’AM? BZZT!” questioned Officer Magnezone as he noticed the Chansey.

“I-I spotted a Darkrai today. I t-think it was the child of the D-Darkrai that Team Plague brought down…” the Treecko’s eyes widened as he listened to the Chansey’s claims.

“Totodile, you hear that?” he turned to his partner.

“Uh-huh,” she nodded vigorously.


“Well… actually, I found an egg in that nearby forest a couple weeks ago,” the Chansey answered calmly, “It turned out that it contained a baby Darkrai. But I knew nothing about Darkrai at the time… that’s why I took it to my friend Ampharos’s house. He told me all about Darkrai, and also about Team Plague.”

The Treecko and Totodile exchanged glances.

“Then, Ampharos tried to drown the Darkrai at the river. But, he fell into the water and I’m not sure what happened to him. The Darkrai also went into the river, but it flew away.”


“N-no,” the Chansey responded skittishly.

“Don’t worry! Team Plague is on the case!” the Treecko declared, striding over to Officer Magnezone and the Chansey.

“Yup! We’ve been searching for that Darkrai child for quite a while. Your report, despite its vagueness, will assist us in tracking it down!” the Totodile announced, copying the Treecko’s movements.

“Have you got any more information about the Darkrai, M’am?” the Treecko pondered.

“Uh… I think Ampharos mentioned that it was a female,” the Chansey told them.

“Hmm, another female Darkrai? Interesting,” the Totodile commented.

“Chansey, we’ll find and destroy this Darkrai as soon as possible. Totodile, are you ready to go?” said the Treecko.

“Of course!” the Totodile exclaimed gleefully.

“Then we’re off!” the Treecko strolled towards the door, “later!” His partner rushed after him. The Chansey watched Team Plague vanish into the horizon from a window, praying that they’d get rid of the Darkrai that claimed her friend’s life.     


  Part 3

           “I wonder where that Darkrai is?” the Totodile murmured. Team Plague had just entered the forest.           

“Let’s hope she hasn’t flown off,” grunted the Treecko. The duo trekked through the forest for quite some time. They were certain they had cleared the entire place when the small Darkrai emerged from the ground directly in front of them.

“Too easy,” the Treecko snickered as he reached for her. The Darkrai swerved out of the way right as he was about to grab her.

“Tricky one, eh?” the Totodile chuckled, watching her partner’s failed attempts at catching the little Pokémon.

“Don’t just stand there, Totodile!” the Treecko roared, “You’ve got to help me get this thing!”

“Then I’d be getting in your way,” the Totodile spoke. Her companion released a growl. It was quite clear that the Grass-type did not like being proved wrong. He reached for the swift Darkrai once more, but he slipped and fell flat on his face.

“Grr… Totodile! Do something!” the Treecko yelled, lifting his head up grumpily. The Totodile nodded. She launched herself at the Darkrai, but the young Pokémon narrowly avoided her attack.

“Is it even possible to capture this demon?!” the Big Jaw Pokémon hollered, flailing her arms about wildly.

“Well, keep trying!” the Treecko groaned, pushing himself up. He tried yet again to grab the little Darkrai, but failed like always. Panting, he took a step backwards. The Pitch Black Pokémon’s icy gaze was set on the Treecko; to him it seemed as if she was mocking him.

The Totodile lunged at the Darkrai one more time before toppling to the ground, out of breath. Amused, the Darkrai flew in circles around them.

“Come on,” the Treecko motioned to his partner. Taking a deep breath, he released a powerful Bullet Seed attack. The Totodile then lashed out with Water Gun. The Darkrai, once again, managed to avoid them. 

“How does that brat do it?” the Water-type cried. The Totodile watched the Pitch Black Pokémon dive from another blow of her Water Gun attack.

A growl deep in his throat, the Treecko flung himself at the Darkrai once more. To his surprise, he had successfully landed on top of her.

“I-I did it!” he announced joyously. The Totodile’s jaw dropped. 

“You did! Wow!” she squeaked. Her partner lifted up the squirming Pokémon, grinning.

“Say goodbye, Darkrai…” the Treecko laughed darkly.    


A rewrite of TMIWM. 

The Muffin is with Me

            “It’s 11:00, Kim. Go to bed!”

            “Just one more minute!”

            I was flopped over on the couch, my Nintendo DS gripped tightly in my hands. There I was, a level 100 Charizard in the middle of World Abyss. I couldn’t stop playing now! Pokémon was too addicting.

            I admit it. I was obsessed. There was nothing in the world I loved more than Pokémon. I liked them so much that I dreamt of becoming one.

            Suddenly, my DS shut off. Crap! I had forgotten it had been on the dreaded red light. Sighing, I trudged into my room and grabbed its charger. I then plugged the DS in. Saying good night to my parents, I got ready for bed.

            As I climbed up my bunk bed’s ladder, a strange sensation flowed through my body. It was very cold, yet warm at the same time. With a shrug, I hopped into my bed, and soon I was fast asleep.

            I was awoken by a warm breeze. A breeze? Last time I had checked, I was indoors. Blinking the sleep out of my eyes, I pulled myself up.

            Where had my bedroom gone?! I was clearly outside. The fresh, green grass prickled my palms. Bristling with annoyance, I yanked my hands off the ground. Pure shock leapt through my heart as I examined them.

            They were covered with soft black fur; a pad dotted each of my fingers, like a dog’s paw. Flipping my hands… paws over, I noticed long, white spikes. This seemed familiar…

            My mind went blank. My eyes enlarged. My mouth gaped open. Was I… could it be? Was I really… a Lucario?! Standing up, I stared at my body in utter disbelief. I… was! I was a Lucario!

            At that moment, I screamed. My voice rang louder than it ever had before. I was not sure whether my scream was in joy, shock, or fear. But my shout spooked birds nesting in the surrounding trees so that they took off into the sky. I realized that these were not normal birds; they were Pokémon, just like me! There was a Pidgey… and a Starly… a Wingull… there was a Tailow too. All of them cried in high pitched squawks as they soared into the horizon.

            Gasping for breath, I collapsed to the ground. My heart pounded in my chest.


A script version of COTW (COTW... isn't that also the abreviation for a Warriors Youtube video series? *Thinks*)

Clash of the Werewolfins











King Stone:

Sir Trogeran:

Diledile Knight:


Morphing Mage:


Various Noises (VN):




VN: Hiss!

EMILY: You know, I hate to wish death on anyone, but I honestly think she deserved it.

MEGAN: Ha ha, yeah.

SARAH: Megan? What is wrong with you?!

MEGAN: What’s wrong with you? That was Camille.

SARAH: Death is horrible! Sure, she was mean, but-

EMILY: You guys! Stop fighting! She’s dead! Does it really matter if we’re happy about it or not?

MEGAN: Funny it’s you to say that; you were the one to start it!

SAM: I’m hungry.

KIM: Are you ever not?

SARAH: Good thing she’s not a Coricori; things could get a bit dangerous!

EMILY: We’d all be in her stomach by now if that were the case!

SAM: What do Kittitas taste like?

MEGAN: Why don’t you try one? There’s a certain Kittia we could do without…


VN: Hiss!

KIM: Come on, we’d better report back to the king.

Scene 2


EMILY: Dear King Stone of Medivila, we’re happy to announce that the awful Dragio was slain. However, a Werewolfin attacked and killed Camille, after she wandered off after the battle. It fled; we didn’t have the chance to kill it.

KING STONE: A Werewolfin?! I thought my knights drove them off years ago!

SIR TROGERAN: That is true, your majesty. We drove them away from the village, but we never killed them all.

KING STONE: Ah, I see. Werewolfins are quite the threat, we should take immediate action. Now, young she-warriors, where did you spot this beast?

EMILY: It was sort of near these mountains…

KING STONE: Felinting Ridge?

EMILY: Um… yeah, I guess…

KING STONE: Very well. Trogeran, gather my knights.

KING STONE: Where are the rest of them?

SIR TROGERAN: They’re off in Junglvia, fighting for some of the local crop.

KING STONE: What a waste of soldiers. My knight, who told them to go all the way to Junglvia?


A story version of the Pokemon RP I joined: 

The bright, summer sun was shimmering through the fluffy white clouds. It was a simply gorgeous day. A couple of wild Pokémon were frolicking in a meadow; an Umbreon, and an Arcanine.

            The Umbreon, whose name happened to be Shard, abruptly lifted his head to scent the air. His eyes bulged. Turning to his companions, he whispered, “I smell a trainer.” He dashed off under a bush, relief in his crimson eyes.

            Flame the Arcanine prepared herself for battle. Arching her back, she growled as she spotted the Pokémon trainer that Shard had detected. Bristling with anticipation, she leapt at the trainer as she strolled into the meadow.

            “Flame!” Shard exclaimed in a hushed voice, “What are you doing? That trainer will catch you if you’re not careful!” The Umbreon rushed over to Flame, and signaled her to run. The two Pokémon sprinted away, leaving the trainer, Eavee, confused.

            “W-what the heck?” Eavee said in a shaky voice. She watched Flame and Shard run, scratching her head.

            Panting, Flame barked, “It’s not like she was going to catch me. She clearly doesn’t have a Master Ball.”

            Shard shrugged. “It’s better to be safe than sorry.”

            “Hmm, should I catch them, or leave them alone?” Eavee pondered. She shuffled through her bag for a Poke Ball, but then changed her mind.

            Shard noticed a pretty Glaceon watching the duo from afar. “Look, Flame! It’s Blizzard,” motioning to Flame, he leaped over to her.

            “Hey, Blizzard,” Shard greeted, “Flame attacked a Pokémon trainer.”

            “Did she?” the Glaceon’s eyes widened.

            “Yup. I don’t know if Flame knows this, but I don’t want my friends being captured.” The Umbreon cast a glance at Flame, who was baring her teeth.

            “Well, we’d better get away from that trainer,” Shard took off again, his two friends by his side.

            Eavee observed the wild Pokémon. “Now, what are they doing?” the Trainer hiked towards the three.

            Shard looked back at Eavee. “Guys, she’s catching up! We’d better hurry!” As the Pokémon were escaping, Blizzard noticed something in the grass.

            “What is that?” she flicked her head towards a strange lump on the ground. The Glaceon raced ahead to investigate. It appeared to be a small Riolu; she was half asleep.

            “Wake up!” Blizzard shouted, pressing her paws against the Riolu’s face. Blinking open her eyes, she made a moaning noise.

            “Come on! There is a trainer in the area! You don’t want to be captured, do you?” Shard stepped over to the two of them. Flame quickly followed. The Riolu drowsily rolled over.

            “This is hopeless,” Flame grunted. Scowling, she picked up the Riolu, and tossed her onto her back while speeding away.


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