TMIWM celebrated its first birthday on the 6th. Hooray! *Eats cake*

Another What's On My Mind Post

December 13, 2009
Yeah, well...

How come Musk Ox got jello and I didn't?!

There is an empty box of chocolates next to me.


I should be writing Rise of the Seven or the Pokemon RP story right now...

Void died. So now what?

I hate Misdreavus.

Poor Jackie.

I'm bored.

I wonder what the movie Musk Ox is watching is about...?

I should make another RP video.

Ow, my pencil just stabbed me.

It just stabbed me again.


I should go check on Musk Ox.

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December 4, 2009
Stupid cold x.x
Yesh, I stayed home sick today.

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Looks Like I Didn't Follow Through...

December 4, 2009
Ptth, I waited till the 4th of December to return to updating. Aw well DX

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The Muffin Is With Me: Making a Comeback 12/1/09!

November 27, 2009
Yesh, on December first, I'll return to updating this website. Sorry for the wait!

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November 11, 2009
I haven't updated this site in forever x_x

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Mascot Gallery

October 11, 2009
Remember these?

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The Daily Pokemon Project!

October 2, 2009
I've started a project on the Warriors Official Forums in which I draw one Pokemon a day, every day. Wel, guess what. It will be here too! Check the TDPP Page to see it!

Did we really need to?

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Sarah's Story

October 2, 2009
There she was. Behind our booth in lunch, watching our every move. Who would she target today?


She began calling out my name. I didn't care. I continued to chat with my friends. But then she started to yell insults. Anger flashing through my eyes, I turned to her, tightly gripping a dull pencil in my hand.

"You'd better stop," I growled, "Or I'll stab you with this." I held the pencil in front of her ugly face.

"Wow. I'm so scared," Sarah grunted, rolling her eyes. Insults flew through the ai...
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Fourth Place?

September 26, 2009
Yes, that's right! On the Warriors Forums, I'm in fourth place for the highest karma points. Amazing, huh? And I thought being in eleventh was great!

We should celebrate by bringing this little guy back!

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A Wild Lucario Appears!!!

The Muffin Lucario This is my page of randomness. Expect to see SSB pictures, and random posts. And maybe if you're lucky, you'll find one of my muffins!
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